Using hypnotherapy to manage interview nerves
Hypnotherapy is a wonderful way to help challenge the limiting thoughts and beliefs that we all carry with us. The nerves and anxiety we experience stem from the subconscious parts of our brain that are designed to keep us safe. Traditionally called fight or flight, the primitive parts of our brain that kick in when we sense potential danger can switch off the rational, creative and problem solving parts of our brain. Great if you are fleeing from a polar bear but not
so great if you are sitting in front of an interview panel. Using relaxation and hypnotherapy is a great way to tap into the parts of your brain that you can use to restructure how easily your fight or flight brain kicks in.
I would normally use recordings like this for clients to use between face to face sessions, but listening regularly will certainly help. As a simple guide, listen daily when you are ready to go to sleep. If you want to listen more often that’s fine too. Just remember that they are designed to change your level of alertness and consciousness. So don’t use them if you are doing something that needs your full attention.
There are a range of things that you can build into your routine behaviours tp change how you prepare for interviews. In a poor paraphrasing of many similar pithy sayings accredited to Einstein, Abe Lincoln and others:
If you want things to change you have to do something different. If you want things to be different something has to change.