One to One fees for registered or qualified staff (up to 20% discount available for newly qualified staff)*
Reduced one to one fees for students
* We appreciate that money is tight when you first qualify. Don’t worry! If you have qualified from your degree and registered with the HCPC we will still charge you the same rate as if you were a student whilst searching for your first job. Just make sure to tell us when you get in touch.
CV and application review service fees
Sample Package 1
Give your existing CV or application a boost with professional review and feedback
Initial professional review of application or CV
Feedback on content
Omissions identified
Suggestions for areas to include
PDF application checklist
Up to 2 additional reviews
Up to 30 minutes on line discussion
Sample Package 2
Great way to build a perfect CV or application with multiple rounds of feedback
Initial professional review of application or CV
Feedback on content
Omissions identified
Suggestions for areas to include
PDF application checklist
Up to 2 additional reviews
Up to 30 minutes on line discussion
Sample Package 3
Ideal way to develop a brilliant CV or application with opportunities to discuss key details
Initial professional review of application or CV
Feedback on content
Omissions identified
Suggestions for areas to include
PDF application checklist
Up to 2 additional reviews
Up to 30 minutes on line discussion